Archive for 'Newborn'

Ashley contacted me early in her pregnancy.

Of course she would, if you know Ashley

you know she plans everything waaaay ahead of time.

She has her checklists, and she checks them more than twice.

Ashley knows the importance of birth photography because she has photographed 2 births herself.

During my interview, she asked me an important question:

Why do you like doing births?

My answer:  It feeds my soul

There’s no way I could charge based on the hours I spend being on call for a birth.

I do them because I love them.

Births feed my soul.

Being there when Reagan was born fed my soul.

I hung out a bit with Ashley and John early in her labor.

Then left for a while to give her some space to rest.

I got back just as she was heading to the hospital – hooray!

After a few hours at the hospital, I went home for some rest myself.

Ashly’s sister kept me informed and it wasn’t too long before I headed back to the hospital.

Ashley was, what’s the best word?


She’s a warrior.  Amazing. A rock star.

And John….

there every step of the way.  I captured so many images of

their connection.

Ashley was determined to have a natural birth (I told you about her planning skills, right)

and she did just that.

Women are amazing.

Ashley is amazing.

Reagan has one lucky little girl.

Of course, what’s a birth without a birth slideshow.

I know my fans (and Ashley’s friends and family)

want to see more than just pictures.

Birth slideshows make me smile on the inside and out.

Enjoy  (and grab a tissue).

*it’s best viewed full screen – so head over to the computer (instead of your phone)


If you are pregnant and thinking about birth photography, call me, please.

Having someone there to take pictures, is not the same as having

a professional photographer capture the birth of your child.

Let the people in your life hold your hand, support, & coach,

and let me hold the camera & celebrate life.



I’m pretty lucky.  I know I am.

Mamas and daddy’s trust me to be with them during the most intimate time of their life.

The birth of their child.

I get to be there to witness mamas go primal as they journey with their babes.

I get to be there to hear the babes first cry, hear the mamas cry, the family cry, and wipe tears of my own when the babe is laid on mamas chest.

I get to watch everyone in the room instantly fall in love.

I’m pretty lucky.  I know I am.

Reagan’s mama is a rock star.  If you know her, you already know that:)

This is just a small sampling of this amazing day spent with this family.

I’m still working on the slideshow which will tell/show much more.

When I have that ready, you will need tissues for your own tears:)


If you are considering having a birth photographer at your next birth, please contact me.

I would LOVE to celebrate life with you.

There’s no way I can ever express

how honored I am when a mom

asks me to photograph her child’s birth.

A child’s birth.  Amazing.

I get to be there to listen to her

voice change during labor.

I get to be there to see her go from smiles

and conversation

to extreme focus on one thing.

I get to see all the support systems in place

whether at home or in a hospital.

I get to see a mom holding her baby for the first time.

Her look into her baby’s eyes for the first time.

I get to be there for her child’s birth.  Amazing.

Truly amazing.

Anna is amazing.  I liked her from the second I met her.

I liked snuggling with her pups,

her daughter’s room,

her millions of facial expressions.

I liked her instantly.

She is an awesome mom.

This was my first time photographing a hospital birth.

I can’t wait for the next one!

Be sure to view this full screen – you won’t regret it!

Oh, and you might want a kleenex – I cry every time I see it:)


Want your own birth photographed?  Give me a call!


Celebrating life.

It’s what I love to do with my camera

and in my own life.

There’s no greater way for me to celebrate life in my profession

than to photograph a birth.

When talented photographer and friend, Susie, asked me to be there to photograph

the home birth of her daughter

I was honored.

When she told me that what she wanted most out of the portraits

was to capture her son, Jack, meeting his sister for the first time

I couldn’t wait for the call.

I wasn’t expecting a call at 6am (who expects a daytime birth)

and I wasn’t expecting to have to finish up 25 preschoolers for their spring portraits when I got the call.

I got there just as Olivia and Candace arrived.

They are an amazing team to watch.  Seriously.

If you are considering home birth, or heck, any birth,

you want them.

After 2 hours, Susie was still smiling in between contractions,

so I took a risk and ran to the preschool to finish up with the kiddos.

I barely made it back in time, barely,

or maybe it was how it was always meant to be.

I got there JUST as Susie was ready to push.

Just 15 minutes later, we were all a big mush.

Beautiful, just beautiful.  Ella was simply perfect.

Then, Jack came to meet his sister.

And it was nothing short of magical.

Be sure to watch the full slideshow to witness the magic yourself.

Be sure to have to volume on – you don’t want to miss it.

Congratulations Susie, Jeremy, & Jack (and all extended family).

Ella Louise is the perfect addition to your family.


I love photographing births – at home, at the hospital – anywhere.

Contact me if you are interested in having this moment captured forever.

It’s not often that I get asked to photograph a birth.

Whether it’s just not on a mom’s radar to hire a photographer

or because I just haven’t marketed myself as a birth photographer.

Either way, I am honored beyond words when

a family trusts me enough to share the most intimate event in their life.

And a home birth seems even more intimate to me.

For two weeks before and after a moms due date

like the rest of the family, I’m on pins and needles waiting for the call.

You never know what to expect –

what time you’ll get the call,

how long you’ll be there

where “there” will actually be.

From a photographers perspective, we always think about light.

Will there be beautiful window light?

Will we end up in the hospital with lots of florescent lights,

or in this case, will it be in the middle of the night with just a single lamp for light.

Several years ago – the last scenario would have stressed me out

but I can just roll with the punches now.

Celebrating life is what I do.

Emily and Rob were not only completely ready

they had an amazing team.

Olivia and Candace work so seamlessly together

I loved listening to them guide Emily and Rob through the night.

I’m looking forward to working with them again very soon.

Don’t rush through this post

Savor every portrait

And enjoy the slideshow at the end.

I promise – it’s worth it.

Emily worked hard – she was super woman. Her strength just amazed me.

And Rob was always right there.  Always.

All through the night he would look at me and say, “I just love her – isn’t she just amazing?”

Melt.  Just melt.


And now for the slideshow.

Seriously, it’s worth it.

3 minutes, 15 seconds.  Worth it.

I’ll be surprised if your eyes are dry at the end.

Please know – this is a birth slideshow – so while I assure you it is PG rated

there is obviously some implied nudity.

I’d be surprised if you notice – you’ll be watching the emotion – just like I was.

Oh, and Emily – there’s a little surprise in there for you:)

Thank you to Renee and Jeremy for the use of the beautiful song.

Photographers – check them out – seriously great stuff for slideshows.

 If you are interested in Birth Photography, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Don’t forget to leave congrats to Emily and Rob here – they’ll be watching!

Just 7 days old.

Incredibly sweet and laid back.

Completely surrounded by love.

Ava Hunter

Jack’s little sister.

Pure love.


This is how I love to shoot newborn sessions.

It just feels right.

Relaxed, simple, me.

Book yours now.

I feel like I’m a member of this family.  And I like it.

I remember when I delivered the portraits from  Abbey‘s newborn session

mom hugged me and said, “We’ve found our photographer for life.”

She really meant it and I couldn’t be happier.

I’m lucky enough to photograph Abbey 2x a year at her daycare

and anytime I’m having a mini-session special

mom is one of the first ones to book.

A photographer changes a lot in 3 years – I know I have.

Always, photography for me has been more about the connections between family members

and I love seeing it in this session.


 Without telling mom that I was doing it

I tried out a little fusion during our session.

Fusion is the combination of video and portraits during the same session.

I’ve played around with it some during other sessions

and I really love it.  More and more.

I love it so much, I might have to just start including it in all newborn sessions!

So, Cameron, sit back and grab a tissue.  Everyone else, sigh and smile

at this beautiful family I’m so happy to be part of.

Contact me for your next newborn or family session.

And don’t forget to leave congratulations messages to the family!

I knew when I met the family for their maternity session

that I was in for a treat with the newborn session.

They didn’t disappoint.  Meet Stella.
