Archive for April, 2013


Celebrating life.

It’s what I love to do with my camera

and in my own life.

There’s no greater way for me to celebrate life in my profession

than to photograph a birth.

When talented photographer and friend, Susie, asked me to be there to photograph

the home birth of her daughter

I was honored.

When she told me that what she wanted most out of the portraits

was to capture her son, Jack, meeting his sister for the first time

I couldn’t wait for the call.

I wasn’t expecting a call at 6am (who expects a daytime birth)

and I wasn’t expecting to have to finish up 25 preschoolers for their spring portraits when I got the call.

I got there just as Olivia and Candace arrived.

They are an amazing team to watch.  Seriously.

If you are considering home birth, or heck, any birth,

you want them.

After 2 hours, Susie was still smiling in between contractions,

so I took a risk and ran to the preschool to finish up with the kiddos.

I barely made it back in time, barely,

or maybe it was how it was always meant to be.

I got there JUST as Susie was ready to push.

Just 15 minutes later, we were all a big mush.

Beautiful, just beautiful.  Ella was simply perfect.

Then, Jack came to meet his sister.

And it was nothing short of magical.

Be sure to watch the full slideshow to witness the magic yourself.

Be sure to have to volume on – you don’t want to miss it.

Congratulations Susie, Jeremy, & Jack (and all extended family).

Ella Louise is the perfect addition to your family.


I love photographing births – at home, at the hospital – anywhere.

Contact me if you are interested in having this moment captured forever.